Neuromuscular Therapy

Neuromuscular Therapy

What is Integrative Massage?

This basically describes my varied approach to bodywork. I draw upon several modalities when working with clients to decide how to tailor our sessions together. Depending on each client’s intentions, desires, and goals for our time, I will utilize and integrate several tools and knowledge for our work. I am trained in Swedish Massage, Neuromuscular therapy, and cupping.

This tab describes Neuromuscular therapy in more detail and my other offerings can be viewed by clicking under integrative massage at the top of the page.

What is Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT)?

NMT, or trigger point therapy as it’s more commonly called, is a deep tissue massage that is highly specific and pointed work and is my go-to modality of choice when dealing with pain patterns, whether acute or chronic. A trigger point can be described as a highly irritable spot in a muscle that can cause pain in other areas of the body, also called referred pain. When focused and sometimes deep pressure is placed on a muscle where a trigger point is present, clients may feel sensation, tingling, numbness, or discomfort while the trigger point is being released. Once this sensation dissipates, I release the pressure and relax the muscle. This is definitely the modality I recommend for most people who come to me looking for pain relief.

To book, simply click the button below and choose an integrative massage. Feel free to note that you want NMT work but we will also discuss all of this in your intake.